Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back Again (updates)

So I know I said I wouldn't be taking any more month long breaks and technically, I didn't... I took a three month long Anyways, I have re-devoted myself to the blog. So in my hiatus so much has happened. I went back to the states on leave to see Lance and Carter!!!! It was such an amazing month, and leaving the second time was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Enjoy a couple pictures below, there is no way I can post even half of all the pictures we took but most of them are on my Facebook!

This is the day I arrived in Nebraska, we were all a bit tuckered out because we spent the day in Omaha which is about 2 hours away from where Lance's family lives. I was so happy to be with them again!

It was amazing to me how big Carter was, and how many things he did that he was not capable of in February, which was when I saw him last. He loved this truck, anytime we came outside, he would point and have to get on it for a minute or two.

It was my first time meeting Lance's brothers and I was a little nervous...but they are so amazing. Oh, and did I mention hilarious? I had such a good time being around his family and cant wait to go back.
From left, Grant (Lance's older brother), Lyndsey (Grant's fiance'), Lance, Ann (Lance's mom), Shane (Lance's younger brother), Tim (poppa Christensen), and me.

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