Saturday, July 31, 2010


Carter celebrated his actual 1st birthday (May 29th) in Italy with the control clique. However, since I was not there I planned a party for him to celebrate while we were in Seattle. It is crazy how grand kids' birthday parties are these days, but we decided to just have our close friends and family over for a BBQ type bash. While planning, the theme of trains stuck out so we ran with that and I started ordering things before I left Korea. Carter was a little cranky at the beginning of the day, but was perfect once guest started arriving, and the weather could not have been better so it was a great day.

I ordered this train birthday banner from Etsy.
Shot of the train adorable!
What's a party without cupcakes?? The toppers on these matched the banner, with trains and some said Carter and others had the number 1 on them. No detail shot unfortunately. If you need personalized extras for your party, check out this Etsy sellar, Ciaobambino.
Thomas the train balloon! One of Carter's favorite things, he was banging on this for days after the party.
Carter did not like his birthday hat, he absolutely refused to keep it on for more than 2 seconds, I had to hold his hands/arms in an attempt to get photos of him with it on. Little stinker.
Trying to rip it off his head.
He might not have liked his hat, but, he LOVED these balloons. They reminded me of the movie UP.
Ash is trying to sneak the hat on I dont know why we were so set on him wearing the hat.
Yay! He is wearing the hat and smiling :) Success!

Carter and his cousin Kaylah, she loves him so much and likes to hold him. And feed him. And push him in his stroller. She takes over anything that has to do with him, well, unless its changing a diaper :)

We video recorded Carter eating his jumbo bday cupcake, so this is the only picture I have. He started trying to feed everyone once he had demolished it. He was hyped up on sugar for a bit, but after opening presents (also only on video) he passed out and so did I.

Happy Birthday my love! 
(This was what inspired the train theme, saw this shirt available on Etsy and had to have it. (I am obsessed with Etsy by the way...)

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