Saturday, April 10, 2010


Oh man, it has been so long since my last post! So much has happened....we had a huge inspection so I was working ridiculous hours and coming straight home and sleeping...but that is all over now so I will have lots of time to post. A quick rundown of what has ben going on with me and the family: Carter is finally back home with Lance after being in Washington with my mom and Nebraska with Lance's mom. He is so huge and grown up now (see pictures). Every time I webcam with him I am just blown away...

Lance says that Carter gets really excited when its time to webcam. I am so grateful that we have the ability to webcam, I would go nuts without it. Carter kisses the screen and waves bye-bye and I almost feel like I am there with him... I will be going home in June and cannot wait to cover my little pumpkin pie in kisses.

                  My little cowboy. (March 2010)
               Carter and Grandma Karen (Feb 2010)
        Grandma Ann and Carter, finally back in Italy (March 2010)

I have so many things to post, so keep checking back. No more month long breaks.

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