Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day Pt. II

 I guess I am still in lovey, dovey Valentine's Day mode. Thought I would do a quick post about the man that I love and wish that I could have spent this Valentine's Day with... my hubby Lance! He gets on my NERVES sometimes but I adore him... he is so handsome, almost beautiful, with his baby eyes and lashes to die for...
I truly believe he is the world's greatest dad. He is so patient with Carter, but loving and attentive. He never hesitates to change a diaper or give a bath. I am so grateful that Carter has him to show him how to  be a man...
He is always there to wipe my tears, to share my laughs and to listen to my dreams. He encourages me and believes in me when I lose faith in myself. I have never trusted someone so much because he never gives me reason to doubt him... 

 I love you... (just don't ever forget Valentine's Day again...lol...) 

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