Sunday, February 14, 2010

MY 1st POST!!!

Hello everybody!! I must say I am super excited to finally get this blog going. It has been something I have wanted to do for quite a while but just never could get around to actually finding time to sit down and do it. However, now that I'm in Korea without Lance and Carter I have plenty of time. Also, my good friend Sarah Oliver got hers up and running and helped me with some of my technical difficulties.

This blog is mainly for my friends and family to keep up with what I'm doing over the next year. It is my goal to make lemonade from the lemons of this situation and get a lot accomplished while I'm here and I want the people most important to me to be able to share in this journey with me. I will post pictures (probably way too many) of baby boy Carter as he grows up in Italy with daddy, my adventures here in Korea, my wedding planning ideas (already married but we also want a ceremony) and of course just stuff I find interesting and cute.

Real quick, I want to elaborate and explain my blog title. It's a little bit of language/history that I first read about in a poem and have always thought was cool. So, without wax stems from the Latin words sin (without) and ceras (wax) which is thought to be the origin of the English words sincere and sincerity. The phrase became widely used at the height of Roman and Greek artistry when sculptures began to become popular works of art. Wax was used to cover flaws and imperfection on cheap pottery, therefore an expensive or quality piece of work was said to be "without wax". In my case, I am not claiming to be without flaws, I simply I accept them and I don't try and mask or cover them. Enjoy... and I promise that the next one won't be this long !!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh Jonna I miss you, this was so sweet and heartfelt... This looks great, you taught me how to do a cool layout, so maybe we'll be teaching eachother :) Love and miss you!
