Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Modern White Weddings

One of my best friends has given me wedding fever. I had significantly slowed down with stalking wedding blogs and tearing pages out of the latest BRIDES magazine.  Then Ashley had to go and send me a photo of a gorgeous bride and a dramatic wedding....so for the last couple of days all I can think about is my dream wedding. Nighttime with a million candles. No, high noon on the beach. All dramatic reds and black accents. On second thought, maybe an ultra modern color palette of white on white. Ughhh.... there is just so much to decide!  It is enough to drive me bonkers, which is why I had put the wedding thoughts on hold!! Needless to say, I have been browsing and I love the light colors of the wedding below...

So I know that usually the bride is the main focus of the wedding day (imagine that), but I was immediately drawn to these white & cream bridesmaid dresses. I love how each maids' dress is different! Its crisp and unique, since usually the bride is the only one wearing white. Perfect for an outdoor wedding.

Here's the bride. And the groom. Love the black ribbon around her dress, it makes it a bit rock n' roll.

How cool is this lighting? Its very rustic and simple. The bride designed and did this with the help of her family. I wish I was this creative. I would have to hire someone to do this for me.

Another shot of the genius chandelier.

Love this chair treatment. I think even I could do this. Maybe.

 Here are few more photos from white weddings that I am loving!

Absolutely stunning. Love this. If I knew where this was, I might get married here just for this photo.

White-on-white with green accents on the coast. 

So many choices, it is enough to drive a woman insane. Hope this post was inspiring, even thought all these lovely weddings just make me more and more confused about what I want..sigh...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Love quote #1

I love to read. You can usually find me with my nose in a book. Likewise I love quotes...I have this old, super ragged folder full of random quotes that I have been filling since 2006!! Ok, here comes the point: before I left for the states, Lance and I started to send each other little love quotes, and song lyrics back and forth via email...and I had the brilliant idea (conceited much??) that we should save all them and use them in our wedding somehow. Each day, I really look forward to what he has discovered that reminds him of our love, and simultaneously I feel so close and so far from him, sigh. Anyways here are a couple of gorgeous ways of incorporating text into your big day, underneath are some quotes that Lance & have exchanged.
"Suddenly I found you and the spirit in me sings, don't have to look no further, you're the soul of many things" -Bob Dylan 

This was the 1st quote Lance sent me (good job babe!), so I typed this in + wedding and this wedding
invitation popped up. I love that the colors used are black, gray and red versus the standard pastels. The rest of the paper goods from this wedding can be found here.

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in

my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
e.e. cummings 

Ok, so this is perhaps my favorite piece of written work. Ever. It is a poem about love but unlike most love poems, it encompasses many types of love. I wrote this in a card to Lance long before we started the quote sending. I write this in emails to my mom. This poem is inked in Carter's baby book. This is one of those poems that you have to read over and over and say the words, and turn them over in your head...I know, I know super dramatic but thats what this does to me. It really took on new meaning when I got sent to Korea, and just love how it sounds "I carry your heart, I am never without it". I will probably try to put this in my vows somehow.

"The sweetest thing I've ever known, was your kiss on my collarbone. 
I wish I didn't get so weak, oh baby just to hear you speak.
Loving you is the sweetest thing." -Lauryn Hill

These were just a very few ideas. I know that lots of brides-to-be want unique ways to make their day special and personal, so I hope this was inspiring!

"To Infinity & Beyond" -Buzz Light Year 

We look so young here and it was only a couple of years ago.